Global Network
The Global Network serves as a learning, sharing and empowerment hub for women who are actively working to improve the lives of other women or simply want to learn more about issues that are of particular concern to women.

What is the Purpose of the Global Network?
- Helps women build global connections that can advance their work
- Helps women discover and cultivate their leadership potential
- Links women together to explore opportunities for collaboration locally and globally
- Creates a safe space where women can learn from one another to strengthen their work
- Acts as a storytelling platform where women can raise awareness about the causes they champion
- Facilitates opportunities for cross cultural learning
- Mobilizes women for action around issues that are important to them
Why Join?
- Ability to connect with women around the world that share similar passions, interests, areas of expertise
- Access to digital resources
- Opportunity to contribute resources; publicize services and products
- Ability to apply for an empowerment grant
- Ability to participate in invitation only virtual and in person events
- Discounted rates for GW Summit and other events
- Opportunity to be selected to participate in trips
- Opportunity to learn from other women leaders in different contexts with different global perspectives
- Opportunity to make a difference in the lives of women locally and globally