About Rhythms of Grace
Vision – All women growing and leading from a deep and formative relationship with the Triune God.
Mission – To support, facilitate, and encourage deep intimacy with Christ through spiritual formation retreats.
Rhythms of Grace (RoG) was founded by Rita Nussli, an ordained Free Methodist pastor, spiritual director, and founding member of SoulFormation. In 2017 God invited Rita to host a retreat to support women to grow in a deep and formative relationship with the Triune God. Rita dreamed of women living out their God-given potential to lead and influence the world around them, working from a place of deep rest and faith in God. Rita formed a RoG steering committee that has been led by women, for women. The first RoG retreat was offered in 2018 and has been held annually since that time (with the exception of 2022).
Ministry to Women
Rhythms of Grace (RoG) is a Christian retreat for women. We recognize that a ministry focus on women requires some deeper clarification in our society today. We recognize that we live in a time where sex, gender and sexuality are topics of theological discussion that have been divisive in the church and beyond, and that the handling of these conversations has done great harm and a source of deep pain for many. Our desire is to live into our vision for hospitality to every woman in a way that does not harm or divide, but cultivates an environment of welcome and intimacy with God and others.
The center of our calling is to build a deeply rooted spirituality and a connection to Jesus for women across a spectrum of beliefs on this topic. Our desire and calling is to create a place where women can come together, commune with the Trinity, and go into the world to deal with deeply theological and important issues. We seek to create a space where different theological beliefs on sexuality can exist and human dignity is upheld by every participant. Anyone participating in RoG retreats need to uphold the standards of hospitality and acceptance that we hold.

- Participants to have an encounter with God through meaningful worship.
- Rest and renewal.
- Experience contemplative practices to deepen our walk with Jesus.
- Offer teaching from diverse voices on topics relevant to women.
- Experience spiritual direction, healing prayer, and other forms of individual spiritual support.
Values and Beliefs
- We have abiding trust in the Triune God.
- We cultivate the unforced rhythms of grace.
- We believe we are called to reflect the “Beloved Community,” with a diverse group of women leading and participating in the ministry.
- We believe in authentic worship; that the omnipotent Triune God fights for us as we worship God.
- We believe in communal discernment; we listen to God together to understand what God is inviting us to.
- We believe in the power of prayer: we engage in conversation with God as a deeply significant part of the retreat and trust those called to pray to do so powerfully on the behalf of others for healing and transformation.
- We believe in Christ’s hospitality and love towards us and, therefore, in our call to offer that to one another.
- We believe in the active work of the Holy Spirit in community to guide, enable, support, and empower deeper intimacy and spiritual formation.
- We believe that God does miracles and offers gifts and talents to God’s people.
- We believe that a deep intimacy with God builds sustainability and longevity in our work as women, allowing us to “burn and not be consumed” (Exodus 3:2).
- We value a broad array of Christian spiritual disciplines that inspire prayerful presence and facilitate an awareness of God in everyday life.

RoG retreats are opportunities for purposeful gathering and intentional engagement with God. Since its inception, RoG has strived to reflect the “Beloved Community,” having diverse representation of women leading and participating in every aspect of the ministry. Each retreat is organized around a theme that has been prayerfully discerned by the steering committee, and includes expansive worship, teaching, and space for rest and solitude. Opportunities are provided to engage with God in various ways throughout the weekend, including through intercessory prayer, spiritual direction, and creative arts. The retreats are planned by the RoG steering committee, but are led by many different women who come together to use their gifts and talents to provide a hospitable, safe and worshipful environment to meet with each other and with God.

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced Rhythms of Grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11:28-30 (The Message)
Sisters in Christ, you are invited to “get away…” this coming June 14-16, 2024, at Cedar Springs Christian Retreat Center in Sumas, WA which is gorgeous, spacious and relaxing. The 3-days, 2 nights’ retreat includes 4 meals. Registration begins at 7 pm on Friday, Program starts at 7:30 pm and the retreat ends Sunday at 11 am. You are invited to join us and to invite other women in your circle who are hungering for a spacious time of renewal in the Holy Spirit. There will be time for resting, worshiping God and being open to Holy Spirit’s empowering, healing, and transformation.
“Beloved, love one another” is the theme for this year’s retreat. Sisters in Christ, you are invited to engage in the theme relationally with God, community and self through intercessory prayer, spiritual direction, creative arts, silence and solitude. There’s also expansive worship with Tabitha Espina and Sally Lee; teaching from Rev. Romanita Hairston, Rev. Dr. Sheila Houston and Rev. Denise Easter.
Join us if you are hungry for God’s love and fellowship with other believing women, we hope you will register and plan to attend.
Registration is limited to 100 participants, so register soon to save your space. Limited scholarships are available, please contact the team by email to inquire if you are in need.
We hope you will join us!
Sign up for the upcoming retreat.
Make a tax-deductible general donation.
Gift other women a place at the retreat.